
Represents text from an input device


Press ⇧⌘T to close window

Ctrl + N



Name Type Content
kbd Native element (documentation) Text or other kbd elements



Mdash doesn't define a format for keyboard shortcuts because there are many popular ways to do it. Shortcuts are also platform-specific and so it is recommended to follow the format used by the user's OS. There are several ways to detect OS using the Navigator object.

Windows seems to use a format that includes + characters to indicate a combination of key presses, like Ctrl + C.

macOS seems to use a sequence of characters to indicate a combination of key presses, like ⌘C. Symbols are used for modifier keys (see below).

Be careful how you show the + character. Users can misinterpret it as representing a required key.

macOS Modifier Key Symbols

To create macOS keyboard shortcuts, copy these symbols:


There are no accessibility recommendations for the keyboard element.